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vindictive personality

a type of person who feeds a grudge, hopes to find an opportunity, and builds anger within.


vindictive personality

he is the person who harms his soul. it can even turn a grudge into a life purpose. do not do it. you will not get anything.


vindictive personality

end this blood, this war
hatred in hearts, tears in eyes,
so sad bride, gloomy love
children; hateful stone in hands
so poor orphans hungry for happiness

end this grudge, end the war
not violence, love with love

look, there is only death, but it's gone
i have a grudge against every devil, so let the world be yours
look, you have power to everything, let it disappear
you both have a word to god, want peace be yours

end this blood, this war
police everywhere, gas everywhere
such an unhappy people, dance with death
the children are miserable at home, they wait for love
so innocent writers hungry for freedom

end this grudge, end the war
not violence, love with love

look, there is only death, but it's gone
i have a grudge against every devil, so let the world be yours
look, you have power to everything, let it disappear
you both have a word to god, want peace be yours


vindictive personality

it is this accumulation of emotions that devours a person without being aware of it and feeds on the lack of virtue of the person, making mistakes without realizing it.
if this situation is continuous, people get mentally ill and there is almost no hope of communication.
evil power of the mind.

vindictive personality

"nothing is as difficult as demanding the good of others at the expense of self-imposed sacrifices. excessive virtue makes the heart spiteful, and vindictive hearts do not recognize the joy of self-sacrifice." panait istrati- bandits

(see: razor inside), vengeful, grudge, grudge


vindictive personality

(see: kinder surprise)


vindictive personality

the energy requirement of the human body is provided in three basic food groups. these respectively; carbohydrates, fats and proteins. but there are some people who feed on hatred. these people are called "spiteful", and their brains are obese, not their bodies, but perhaps not. they do not understand the word, they interpret the events with wrong and malicious intent, they make a mess. they are usually either unhappy or dissatisfied, and they cannot avoid spreading unhappiness to the environment like the plague.


vindictive personality

unfortunately, i remember the people who made fun of me when i was little, until the most detailed events, hold grudges and hate. i hope i will get over it, will get through this too. life is short, it is not worth holding a grudge against anyone.


vindictive personality

i don't remember ever getting revenge. i believe that everyone has the right to make mistakes. but i suffer from a problem like not being able to forget.
can't forget it's a curse on us


vindictive personality

one who does not forget the evil done to him/her, and is waiting for revenge.

vindictive personality

misinterpreted people.
first of all, i am very spiteful.
but the thing is that i never forget both good and evil. i do not get angry easily, i do not get offended easily, but i fail to give a second chance in serious events because i cannot forget.
i don't look out for revenge, i don't usually take my revenge either. but i do not forget and forgive.
to forget is a blessing bestowed upon people to be able to forgive. you can understand what spitefulness means when you cannot forget even if you want to.


vindictive personality

although i am not happy about it, i am also quite spiteful. i cannot forget an insult or wrong act done in my circle of friends in the virtual environment, in business life. it's not really good to be spiteful, but sometimes you just can't let go..


vindictive personality

it is a person holding a grudge like laundry holds dirt. just as there is a trace of it when the mud is thrown, the grudge in spiteful people will not be erased even after time. spitefulness is the most tumorous part of relationships. even if it shows similarities with revenge, it is more specific to those who have a human soul that is not rude to display vengeful behavior. everyone can have bad experiences. these experiences should add maturity to a mature person as well as age.


vindictive personality

(see: taurus people)
