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facial beauty

The benchmark is something that is not as good as outer beauty, but still better than inner beauty.


facial beauty

The structure of the eyes and muscles in the face are very important for facial beauty. People who are considered attractive usually have eyes that are deep set and have strong facial muscles, and they are usually tall and have a symmetrical face. If we look at famous people like Adriana Lima and Tom Cruise, they both have attractive facial features. The last person has the most beautiful face I have ever seen.


facial beauty

(see photoshop)


facial beauty

Having a slim wrist and attractive feet is more important than having a pretty face and a slim waist with a tattoo on it.


facial beauty

(see beauty evaluation criteria / # 26880440)

facial beauty

For me, beauty is mostly determined by the lower half of the face. Eyes are beautiful on everyone, and eyebrows can be pretty too, as long as they aren't over-plucked or shaped in a strange way. The forehead isn't usually a factor in beauty. The nose, mouth, chin, jawline, cheeks, and cheekbones are the main things that make someone look beautiful, as well as how far apart they are from each other. The upper half of the face doesn't have as many features, so it's not as important.


facial beauty

When we think of attractive faces, we often focus on the jawline, which should be sharp and jowlless, and the philtrum, which should be prominent. People who exercise and have a lower body fat percentage often have smoother facial features, and more prominent cheekbones. We also look for noses that are not overly deformed. People with attractive faces usually have a sharp jawline, a prominent philtrum, and a nose that is not overly deformed.


facial beauty

I like how I look when I look in the mirror. Everyone says this, but it's not being narcissistic.


facial beauty

For me, a beautiful face is made up of big eyes, a slightly bony nose with a pointed tip, and a full lip. I appreciate the differences in people, regardless of gender, and admire their beauty like a painting. It's not because I'm attracted to them, but because I appreciate the aesthetics. Even if it's a bit cliche, it's true that a person's inner beauty is reflected in their face. I don't just look at the beauty of a beautiful person, but also the face of a less attractive person.


facial beauty

The first step to becoming more formal is not necessarily a bad thing.


facial beauty

(see: golden ratio) (see: divine proportion)

(see: perfect face)

(see grace kelly)


facial beauty

Having eyes with a light skin tone, strong features, and a combination of green and brown colors in them, along with wearing beautiful makeup, can make someone look incredibly attractive. It can be more attractive than just having a nice body.


facial beauty

Having attractive eyes is important.


facial beauty

It is not enough to just be physically attractive; you need to have a kind and caring heart to truly be beautiful.

facial beauty

There is no set standard for what makes something good or bad. Things like having a small nose, colored eyes, or red cheeks do not matter.


facial beauty

The way someone's head and bone structure looks is usually a big factor in how attractive they are. If someone has a nice head shape, they will be seen as attractive even if their facial features are not perfect. For women, this is the most important type of beauty, but men don't usually care as much about a woman's face.
