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amoebic dysentery

An amoeba is a single-celled organism that can change its shape. It has no fixed shape and can move around by extending its body and using tiny hairs called cilia. It eats by surrounding its food with its body and then absorbing it.


amoebic dysentery

Amoeba is a type of germ that is found in warm and humid places, like tropical and subtropical regions, where the temperature is above 25 degrees Celsius. It can affect people of any age. It is usually spread through food and drinks, and can also be spread by flies and cockroaches. Amoeba cysts can be killed by chlorination, and they die at high temperatures.


amoebic dysentery

Disease usually happens when the body's ability to fight off illness is weakened. In more serious cases, a type of germ called an amoeba can spread through the blood and cause lumps called abscesses.


amoebic dysentery

He brought soldiers and officers who had been taken prisoner in Egypt during World War I to our country, and they spread out to every part of Anatolia.


amoebic dysentery

(see metronidazole)


amoebic dysentery

A sickness that makes you crave boiled potatoes and you have to eat them until you feel better.


amoebic dysentery

The text talks about how computer algorithms can be used to detect and identify objects in images. Algorithms are sets of instructions that tell a computer what to do. In this case, the algorithms are used to look at images and recognize the objects in them. This means that the computer can look at a picture and tell what is in it, like a person, a car, or a tree.


amoebic dysentery

Entomoeba is an illness caused by a tiny organism called an amoeba called Histolytica.


amoebic dysentery

Treatment and groups are used to help people. Usually, it takes 10 days of treatment to get the desired results.


amoebic dysentery

In addition to general tests, you may need to have special tests done, such as x-rays, scans, or ultrasounds.


amoebic dysentery

The time it takes for a person to show symptoms of a disease caused by an amoeba found in water can range from 4-5 days to 1-4 months. Sometimes there are no symptoms at all. The lack of water can make the disease worse.


amoebic dysentery

(see: ornidazole)


amoebic dysentery

Early diagnosis is important because it helps to identify a problem quickly. Fresh stool samples are used to look for amoebae, which are small organisms that move around using foot-like extensions. Charcot-Leyden crystals in the stool can also be a sign of a problem and can help with diagnosis.


amoebic dysentery

Along with a severe pain in the stomach area*, it is accompanied by a sudden loss of appetite, diarrhea, and bloody diarrhea. This requires immediate medical attention.


amoebic dysentery

Carriers have a cyst with two parts, and patients have a cyst with four parts.


amoebic dysentery

A puncture is a very rare event. However, sometimes a group of punctures can form a lump in the large intestine called an ameboma.


amoebic dysentery

Amoebas are tiny organisms that live in the large intestine of humans. They like to stay in areas with low movement, but not all of them cause illness.


amoebic dysentery

Since it can be hard to spot amoeba in a fresh fecal test, doctors will keep giving medicine to treat it even if they can't see it. Diarrhea should go away soon. While taking the medicine, it's important to drink lots of water and eat lots of juicy foods. You don't need to follow a special diet.


amoebic dysentery

A disease that causes children to be very sleepy can reach their brain and cause inflammation. These children may need to go to the hospital's neurosurgery department because of a problem with their digestive system.


amoebic dysentery

I had a fever, bad diarrhea, and felt weak. I went to the emergency room but it was hard to figure out what was wrong with me right away. The doctors said I should be feeling better in 3-4 days. I'm eating potatoes and rice porridge and I'm being careful about what I eat from outside.
