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william bill bernbach

Thinking too much and over-analyzing can stop an idea from becoming a reality. It's like love - the more you try to figure it out, the quicker it fades away. A wise person once said, a great advertiser knows when to stop thinking and just go with their gut.


william bill bernbach

In 1959, big American cars were very popular in the US. Volkswagen changed this with their "Think Small" advertising campaign, which made their car the most popular and important car in the US. This campaign also started the trend of using jokes in advertising, and is considered one of the most successful campaigns ever. The creator of the campaign, Bernbach, died in 1982.


william bill bernbach

We are so focused on seeing what the public thinks that we forget that we can influence their opinions. We are so focused on hearing what the numbers say that we forget that we can make them change. This is what the advertising expert is saying - that we should focus more on changing our ideas instead of just defending them.


william bill bernbach

Let's be honest and open about what we are doing so that people will take notice.


william bill bernbach

Mary Wells Lawrence said that no matter how talented you are, you can't make something out of nothing. If you try to pretend something exists that doesn't, it will eventually be revealed as fake. Bill was able to look at a product and see how it could be successful, even if it seemed like it had a disadvantage.


william bill bernbach

The advertiser's goal is to make boring facts interesting and exciting.


william bill bernbach

The man who made advertising a profession is very famous for his campaigns such as Think Small for Volkswagen, We Try Harder for Avis, You Don't Need to Be Jewish to Like Levi's for Levi Delicatessen, and My Son the Pilot for El Al. His most famous saying is "the miracle is in the product". Even today, his work still has an effect of making people say "I say that too", even though he said it 50 years ago. Throughout his career, he had an amazing team of people around him, although some people said he wasn't very creative himself (see: Jerry Goldsmith).


william bill bernbach

One of the most successful salespeople in the world.


william bill bernbach

People won't believe what you are saying unless they listen to you. To get them to listen, you need to tell them something new and interesting.


william bill bernbach

The brain is like any other body part that helps us survive, like a claw or sharp tooth. It looks for what is beneficial, not necessarily what is true. Thinking too much and overanalyzing can make ideas become stale, just like love. The more you think about it, the quicker it will go away.

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