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whooping cough

ivegen infectious disease that can result in death in infants and young children who have not been vaccinated.


whooping cough

bacterial cilia that cause this disease bind, that's why it hurts so much.


whooping cough

it typically has three phases.


whooping cough

i know somebody will come out and say, "this is the game of doctors, drug manufacturers, hadee."


whooping cough

Babies who are younger than 4 months old may not have full protection from vaccines yet. To help protect them, it is recommended that they get vaccinated earlier or that adults around them get vaccinated (known as a cocoon vaccination program).


whooping cough

Respiratory disease is a sickness that causes you to cough a lot.


whooping cough

Adults who did not get vaccinated as a child can get an extra dose of the vaccine to protect them from illnesses.


whooping cough

Measles and tuberculosis, two ancient diseases, have been almost completely wiped out by vaccines like the smallpox vaccine. However, they have recently started to come back, with an estimated 50 million cases and 300,000 deaths worldwide each year.


whooping cough

When an infectious disease that can be prevented by vaccination is very rare, it can start to spread again if people stop getting vaccinated.

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