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Today, dozens of innocent people died in a fire in London, a murder in M³nevver Karabulut, and a bombing the day before. Tevfikuygun translated this as "Well, about this and that". This is the logic of "But you didn't feel sorry for that, now don't expect me to feel sorry for that". Be yourself, don't be like them. Read the related article here: http://www.tevfikuyar.com/àsun-hakkindacilik.html



The AKP and CHP political parties will continue to take turns meeting with the HDP for the next ten years. Each time, the party that is not meeting will accuse the other of betrayal, but the other party will respond by saying that when they do it, it is democracy, not betrayal. People in the local community will continue to view the two parties as completely different and opposed to each other, even though they are not.



Your partner is not understanding what you are saying, so you should try to explain it in a way that is easier for them to understand.



People who don't have any evidence to support their argument often turn to the first (or sometimes the last) option available to them. It depends on the situation.



Tu quoque is a type of argument that has been around for a long time, especially in politics. It is a way of deflecting criticism by pointing out that the person criticizing you has done the same thing. It is also known as "whataboutism" because it often involves responding to criticism with a question like "What about you?" It has become more popular in recent years, but it has been around for a long time.



According to John Oliver, a defense mechanism has been used in Russia since Soviet times, and is still used by Donald Trump and his supporters today. This is a very powerful way of manipulating people's perceptions, and it is something we see in many countries ruled by people who are not well-informed. This is something we hear about in politics, sports, and moral debates every day. Unfortunately, this method of manipulating people's perceptions is like a virus that will continue to spread.



I think it would be better to translate "well, about this and about this" as "where were you" because it fits the current situation in our country better. I agree with "what were you doing while being x" as a better translation.

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