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ville valo

If a girl is given, then the people who will receive her will be given as well.


ville valo

AD stands for "Advertisement". It is a way of promoting a product or service to the public.


ville valo

During the interview, the person asked if Ville was doing any sports at home. Ville replied that he was smoking. Then he acted as if he had just smoked something. This means that Ville was already doing some kind of physical activity at home.


ville valo

Men who act in a feminine way but try to hide it, and people who make it more obvious that these men are feminine.


ville valo

Gone with the Wind" is not recorded in a studio, but it is vividly brought to life when it is performed, as if it is speaking about life itself.


ville valo

If the crow is pulled again, but this one person plays the game and no one else does.


ville valo

The man in the video with Natalie Avelon changed his look. He grew out his hair, went on a journey, and shaved off his beard and mustache. Yeah!


ville valo

A single animal with the eyes of a Huskari was said to have been in someone's bed. The person in the bed said they didn't smell it, and then said "Eat me".

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