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ummu qirfa

We will show how tolerant and peaceful the religion of Islam is.


ummu qirfa

Umm Kirfa was a leader of the Beni Fezare tribe in Wadi Al-Qura. She was married to Malik Ibn Huzeyfe Ibn Badr Al-Fazari and was an important person. On the orders of Muhammad, two ropes were tied to Umm Kirfa's legs and attached to two camels. The camels were then made to run until Umm Kirfa was cut in half. After this, her head was cut off and taken around the streets of Madinah.


ummu qirfa

He fought against the Muslims and was captured as a result of the battle. It is not known for sure if he was killed or not. In Islamic culture, it is not allowed to execute an elderly woman.

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