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tuma steel

He is showing how news outlets from both sides of the political spectrum are manipulating the truth. For example, when someone is accused of rape, the opposition media will report it as if they resigned for some other reason, instead of the real reason, in order to protect their party. It is hard to know who to trust in this situation.


tuma steel

Instead of celebrating the 19th of May, which is Atatürk Commemoration, Youth and Sports Day, a person called Mr. Tuma invented something called the Pontus Greek Genocide and wanted to commemorate it instead. This shows how anti-Turkish the HDP and its deputies are. Mr. Tuma should go to a different country if they accept him.


tuma steel

As a Muslim Kurd, it is very difficult for me to accept that someone like this is in control of a part of my people's history. He has spread racism among the Armenian, Assyrian, and Yezidi Muslim Kurds in such a way that it is almost impossible to fight against it. The Cihangir Crew Veganist Feminist Crew is not listening to us.


tuma steel

If this man was a supporter of the two major political parties in Turkey, Akp and Mhp, there would be a lot of news stories about it. But no one writes about it when he supports the smaller party, Hdp.


tuma steel

They tried to do something that they were used to doing on a mountain, but it didn't work when they tried to do it on a flat area.


tuma steel

A politician who is connected to the PKK (a political group) is accused of raping someone on a mountain in the city.

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