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social justice warrior

cern, the european atomic particle research center, fired professor alessandro strumia, who said men are more inclined for science than women.

disease that also spread to cern.


social justice warrior

the anti-fascist crew mentioned in the phrase "fascists of the future will call themselves anti-fascists". they pursue freedoms by suppressing the freedoms of others. when they are told the slightest thing, they throw the "you are oppressing me" wildcard and run away.


social justice warrior

a nauseating concept that tries to force everyone to think like themselves, but uses bullying, not logic, in doing so.

because people have no logical answers to their arguments, and they think they are proving their ideas by creating mass lynchings.

catholic churches were doing the same thing at the time, so did the sheikhulislams ... these are today's bigots who try to impose their irrational thoughts and prevent them from being discussed.


social justice warrior

mecca sweden is the name given to people who dry up every sector they throw their hands on: movies, series, games, music..


social justice warrior

(see sensibility)


social justice warrior

the romantic trend that has taken the world by storm in recent years. it would not be wrong to say that the homeland of this business in europe is sweden. i am talking about a country where the afghan refugee who raped a swedish girl and they did not deport the man because he said, "if you send me to my country, they will execute me" i don't know how long this trend will continue, but it is clear that it has not helped the world much so far.


social justice warrior

strayed from reality, marrow, meric, gay, vegan, atheist, green hair, bike rider, environmentalist, metallist, bone goggles, cat feeding, advocating a lot of spirituality, pussy or is the name given to the hipster disguised whore boys who do not cut their dick hair.


social justice warrior

north america, european sjw :

* a race is a social construct but white race is the devil
* they believe in evolution with great devotion, but all people and cultures are equal
* only cops should have guns but all cops are fascist and racist
* minority members are as bright as the majority, but minority students should be favored in schools
* dictatorship is the worst form of government but viva che
* capitalism is evil but look at my new ipad great
* the wars in iraq and afghanistan are illegal but the libyan war is legal and necessary.
* respect to other cultures but christians are stupid
* the electricity bill makes life difficult for people with low and middle income, but we need carbon tax.


social justice warrior

they will bring the end of civilization.


social justice warrior

i read this somewhere that very well expressed their difference from activists:

"activist: look, there are no wheelchair ramps in this building. let's build a ramp.

sjw: let's torment people using the stairs and make them feel bad just because they have legs. "


social justice warrior

the people who managed to sink the quality of new productions based on the likes of the terminator, the witcher, and star wars.


social justice warrior

today's humanists. permanent protector of ethnic minorities. they are courageous, hidden heroes of the internet.


social justice warrior

they are the leeches of life that have gradually imposed their absurd thoughts that they swallowed on all social media like this new ethic, the law, the word of god, who have gradually engulfed humor, thought systems and all kinds of aspects that make life attractive.

therefore, you may be lynched for your ethical words, your jokes may be sexist and you may be exposed to insults. the retarded, ignorant army of the modern age.


social justice warrior

the political current, whose motto could as well be "minorities uber alles".

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