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Samagon is a drink that is similar to vodka, but it does not contain any alcohol. It is made with sugar, water, and yeast, which can be made at home. Vodka, on the other hand, has many additives. Here is a picture of the equipment used to make Samagon.



A few of your friend's bottles of alcohol came from his village in Moldova. It was strong, but it tasted like vodka with lots of cherries.



Samagon is a type of alcohol that is popular in Russia, similar to how Moonshine is popular in the United States. It is usually made at home or illegally in small businesses, and is made by fermenting starch, sugar, grains, beets, potatoes, and various fruits. The alcohol content of Samagon can reach up to 80%.



Homemade vodka is a stronger and thicker type of vodka that should be drunk straight. It can be more intense than other types of vodka and can cause more of a burning sensation in your stomach if you drink too much of it. It also has a bread-like smell before you drink it.



Village Vodka is a very strong alcoholic drink with an alcohol content of around 80%. At Russian weddings, the groom is asked a question that he cannot answer. As punishment, he has to drink the vodka from the bride's shoes. This practice has been linked to making Russian children alcoholic before they are even born.



This is not a drink made from alcohol. Instead, it is made from sugar, water, and a small amount of yeast. In Russia and Ukraine, people used to make this drink in their homes, especially in rural areas. Even though it is illegal to make alcohol at home in Russia, it can still be found in some villages.



People in the USSR have found a way to get around the recent restrictions on alcohol and prohibition. They are using Indian tea to make a type of Russian whiskey called "whiskey tandant".



I went to a small house outside of Moscow and had 3 small glasses of vodka. After drinking it, I felt dizzy and couldn't stay awake. I was also throwing up for hours. This drink was dangerous and didn't taste good.

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