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red hafize ahmet master

Atatürk's paternal grandfather. It is also among the rumors that the upper lineage is nomads from Konya, and some of them even returned to Konya to the Mevlevi lodge.


red hafize ahmet master

In Kocacik, which was said to be all Turkish at the time,* to express it in modern Turkish, he worked as a primary school teacher, was among the community called Miri, one of the Turkmens who migrated from Anatolia to Rumeli, to the monastery province of Macedonia.*


red hafize ahmet master

Later, with the 80 stroke, the adjective red, made red.


red hafize ahmet master

(see: the red sons)


red hafize ahmet master

He is Atatürk's grandfather. he is a memory. I wanted to remind Atatürk in this period when the slanders were exposed. Atatürk's lineage is clear. it is very clear. While it is obvious who the origin and ancestry are not clear; the slanders of the dishonorable people trot.


red hafize ahmet master

the best grandfather for our country.


red hafize ahmet master

He is the paternal grandfather of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. For detailed information, you can read Şevket Süreyya Aydemir's one man and Vamık Volkan's immortal atatürk books.

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