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metamizole sodium

If you mix Bemix with something, it will have a very strong burning effect.


metamizole sodium

Novamizole, Novalgine, and Devalgine are medicines that are often used in veterinary care. They can help reduce pain, fever, and inflammation, as well as relax muscles that have been tightened by bradykinin. However, they can also cause stomach problems, reduce the number of cells in the bone marrow, and cause the body to hold onto more water and salt than usual. In some cases, this last side effect can be helpful for animals that are dehydrated, depending on the situation and the veterinarian's opinion.


metamizole sodium

The medicine, which comes in different forms like tablets, syrup, ampoules, drops, and tablets, can cause people to become too cold even when taken in small amounts. This has been seen in both children and adults who take it to reduce fever.


metamizole sodium

The active ingredient of Novalgin is a medicine called Metamizole. It is used to treat pain and fever.


metamizole sodium

This is a type of pain reliever that is not usually part of the group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIIs). Examples of NSAIIs include paracetamol and propifenazone. It is unclear if this pain reliever is part of the NSAII group or not. It could be, but it might not be.


metamizole sodium

If you mix metamizole with something else, it can be dangerous and even deadly.


metamizole sodium

It hurts a lot.


metamizole sodium

Paracetamol is a substance found in drugs that can help with muscle and joint pain, arthritis, tendinitis, neuralgia, and labor pains.

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