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Just as the zakat of knowledge is to understand and digest it; The truth of Allah's intercession is to have a share of the light of Allah by consciously realizing the consciousness of prophets or saints. is to understand them with a true witness as they live. There is no trickery or magic in their intercession. They will resurrect the eyes, ears and hands of the Hereafter while they are still alive. the deceitful worldly intercessions of false friends; Their love, fancy words, temporary benefits, deceptive benefits are like coins that will not pass in the hereafter.



on this controversial issue; In the 48th verse of the chapter of baccarat, the Qur'an calls out to our bodies, which are accustomed to being favored and used to live by using others, and with the awareness that the day [will come] when no human being will be able to benefit the least, no intercession will be accepted, no ransom will be taken, and no help will come. long live! (see: 48th verse of Surah Baccarat)



The Turkish version of this is the references added to the CV sent to heaven. As a matter of fact, its highest position is that of Muhammad. I wonder what the reference of human means.



If intercession is understood as being taken from hell and put into heaven, a question like "What does the person who will intercede know that Allah does not know, so that he saved the person who was sentenced to hell from hell and turned Allah from his wrong - in this case, who made a mistake?" containing belief. brief explanation detailed explanation



The concept of intercession in the Qur'an with logical inferences - (see #44212513)



intercession for someone's forgiveness or fulfillment especially the mediation between god and servant.



it may be that our sins outweigh our sins in the hereafter, in which case it will be intercession for our relatives to ask for forgiveness for us; the most precious intercession is the intercession of muhammad.

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