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girl who has never had a girlfriend

She should not be judged based on her appearance or any other stereotypes. Even those who love her cannot show her love. He does not want to waste his time on things that are not important. I understand because I am in the same situation. Please do not think negatively about her.


girl who has never had a girlfriend

She doesn't feel any romantic attraction to people she isn't in love with, and she hasn't found someone she loves yet. She may be asexual.


girl who has never had a girlfriend

She wants her future partner to be special and not someone who doesn't have any character. She wants to look back on the relationship fondly and maybe even marry her first lover. The speaker did this and doesn't regret it. They are not suggesting that everyone should marry their first lover, but it is important to not waste time with people who don't value you.


girl who has never had a girlfriend

I found a really special and beautiful person and I pursued them a lot until they finally agreed to go out with me. We were together for a while, but then something changed and they got married and became a successful businessperson. Even though things didn't work out between us, I'm still happy for them.


girl who has never had a girlfriend

I own something, but it's not much. I was trying to compare myself to someone else who was treated like a commodity, but they deleted their entry and I was left feeling empty.

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