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gertrude stein

He did in that article what Picasso did in the picture.


gertrude stein

"very fine is my valentine. very fine and very mine. very mine is my valentine very mine and very fine. very fine is my valentine and mine, very fine very mine and mine is my valentine."


gertrude stein

I thought, thought, thought about the things I could say about you. When the elevator stopped, I finally got it together like this: the poet threw a pie to the flamingo here amk.


gertrude stein

Pablo Picasso, as it is known, painted his portrait. picasso replied "it will look like" to the criticisms that stein does not look like his portrait.


gertrude stein

If English is your second language, reading this lady's works is like a blessing*


gertrude stein

The author that ernest hemingway does not talk about himself very well in his book called a moveable feast, and he claims to belittle those who do not like his writings, no matter how good they are.


gertrude stein

before he died, in the hospital, his lover Alice b. He asked Toklas: “What is the answer?” “...” “then, what's the question?”

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