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freak show

The new program form that Turkish televisions present to us with folk coding. favorite of recent years (from the wedding program to the dinner, to the quiz). bring human dignity and such a right. Even the most innocent of them removes people who have some special situations and makes them ego satisfaction. Oh, and there are those who think they are quite normal and oscillate on the screen. that's the main freak show


freak show

It is the name given to companies that bring together types such as a bearded woman, a three-legged man, a child playing the trumpet with his ear, and offer them to normal people with two hands and two eyes. The freak show is the full translation.


freak show

A show that entertains and surprises the audience, taking place by opening all physical organs to the attention of people. When we define it like this, we can add beauty contests, for example, but they are of course not seen as 'freak shows'. the reason is known. however, they also have the same primitiveness. In short, it's just another proof of people's crap.


freak show

(: you are the talent)


freak show

It is the activity in which poor quasimodo is chosen first and crowned in the notre dame de paris work.

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