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Even desktop developers will start using it, some friends continue to not recommend it for mobile.



I say this as someone who migrated from React. At first, you swear a lot while writing the view part, but as you get used to it, your hand speeds up and you can distinguish the nested objects more easily. It progresses very quickly after crossing the learning curve. I think it will increase its market share in the cross platform market after 1 year.



It's a partially complex framework that allowed me to develop my first mobile application, but I'll get used to it over time. Although the application I developed is not my own, it has motivated me... I will develop new applications...



If you are a beginner and have an intermediate level of English, I recommend the training of an instructor named "angela yu". Also, let me give you a tip; Normally, this trainer's trainings are paid on udemy, but you can find flutter training videos of the same trainer for free on the linkedin learning platform. Moreover, it is exactly the same as the content on udemy. ps: green if you're just getting started. maybe a few people form a small group and move forward together, we exchange information.



Although flutter came out later as a react native developer, it is a more stable ecosystem. that is, even when creating a project in react native, you always get a warning about any dependency and if you are an obsessive person like me, you are going crazy. During the flutter project creation phase, the "flutter doctor" event widget ecosystem has become so legendary that I feel like I'm getting off a donkey and riding a horse.



io, which I fear will be quietly withdrawn by google. google, you scare me so much, my dear.

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