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falun gong

An ethnic group began a program with the motto "Sound of Hope" on the radio.


falun gong

The genie said that it was a coincidence that the gong scourge of the falun was invented at the same time the demon was rising. The genie suggested that the people who practice love, brotherhood, and love should not be beaten and crushed.


falun gong

These are the celebrations and festivals that are celebrated by people of Chinese culture.


falun gong

Li Hongzhi developed a meditation technique in China that became very popular between 1992 and 1999. However, when the movement changed from a meditation practice to an anti-government movement, Jiang Zemin, the leader of the Chinese Communist Party, banned it.


falun gong

Falun Dafa is a practice that combines elements of Buddhism and Taoism to help people improve their physical and mental health.


falun gong

In China, people who are innocent are being called "fetocists" and their lives are being made difficult. This is being done by a group called Falun Gong, which is seen as a cult by the Chinese government. The Chinese government has banned this group because it does not support the torture of people in the state. The opposite of this group is the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). If you post online that you are against the Chinese government, you could get into trouble.

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