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evo binary

I was one of the people who got scammed and I still can't believe it happened. I made fun of other people who were tricked by the same scam, but I learned my lesson. People say it's better to learn from your own mistakes than to listen to advice, so I'm trying to live my life better now.


evo binary

It was a company that claimed to be involved in foreign currency trading, but it was actually a scam. Avoid this company.


evo binary

My brother and his friend have lost 6500 Turkish Lira (TL) together so far.


evo binary

Some of my friends have been cheated out of a lot of money and they are not embarrassed about it. They keep saying that they will get their money back when the legal process is finished.


evo binary

They haven't given any money for two months. Best of luck to those who put money in and didn't get it back.

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