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emil michel ciran

He said that people only respect those who hurt themselves.


emil michel ciran

Everyone has a part of them that can sense when something bad is about to happen. When this part of us wakes up, the amount of bad things in the world increases.


emil michel ciran

To be modern is to desperately cling to certain ideas or beliefs.


emil michel ciran

From morning to evening, I take care of myself and remind myself that it's never too late to make a change.


emil michel ciran

Every time we have a negative thought, it feels like something inside of us is decaying. If you've ever felt sad without knowing why, it's because you've been feeling this way for a long time. I'm only still alive because I know I can end my life if I want to; without the option of suicide, I would have ended my life a long time ago.


emil michel ciran

Be careful of people who reject love, goals, and being part of a community. They will get revenge for being denied these things. Are your words the solution, Cioran, wonderful Cioran!


emil michel ciran

Even if God tries his hardest, there are some people who cannot be saved.


emil michel ciran

The book of Decay was released with a tasty translation by Haldun. The author of the book said that the most powerful people come from those who are oppressed but have not been killed.
