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ebenezer scrooge

I was walking to a military base in Istanbul late at night and there was fog on the ground. Suddenly, I saw someone walking towards me wearing a hood and carrying a lantern. I thought it might be a ghost from the past year, but then I realized it was just a soldier on patrol.


ebenezer scrooge

I want to be comfortable and cozy when I'm old, wearing a nightgown with a hood and slippers with pompoms on the edge of the bed. Charles Dickens wrote about how the rich are not always happy, and that being poor doesn't mean you can't be happy. He wanted to show that having a lot of money doesn't always mean you're content, and that being poor doesn't mean you can't be happy.


ebenezer scrooge

Imamoglu should be a role model and be strict about not wasting resources. For example, if someone asked for a ride home, he should suggest they use public transportation instead of giving them a car. He should also encourage people to work hard and not take advantage of the resources available to them.


ebenezer scrooge

We used to learn this way in the middle school years.


ebenezer scrooge

(see scrooge)
(see a christmas carol)


ebenezer scrooge

No matter how many days that are meant to make us feel emotional, like holidays, New Year, birthdays, Father's Day, Teacher's Day, and Valentine's Day, I don't want to get caught up in the hype and instead want to be a grumpy person and say "Bah! Humbug!" and slam the door.


ebenezer scrooge

Charles Dickens wrote a book about a character named Scrooge. This book made me admire him so much that I almost know the sentences in the work by heart. I watched theater and musicals based on the book, and even a 3-episode miniseries made by BBC. I also watched a movie starring Jim Carrey which was highly recommended. All of these stories, written in the 19th century, still touch my heart as a woman living in the 21st century.


ebenezer scrooge

Frequent is said out loud. Stingy Grass is a person or creature in a story.


ebenezer scrooge

Ebenezer Scrooge is the main character of Charles Dickens' famous story, A Christmas Carol. He is known for his famous saying, "Bah! Humbug!


ebenezer scrooge

Ebenezer was a normal teenager, but he became a grumpy, old, rich, and mean man. One night, he was visited by spirits who showed him the past, present, and future. This changed him completely and he became the opposite of what he was before - kind, generous, and happy. Nick also had a transformation.

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