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Deepise is a DJ and producer who was born in 1990 in a certain country. He has been interested in music since 2005 and is particularly fond of electro music. His successful works have made him popular and have helped people, like me, to appreciate deephouse music, which was previously ignored and looked down upon. Unfortunately, when we are young, we often have a prejudiced view of the world, but Deepise's fresh and unique sound has helped to break down these barriers.



At the start of the song "Smoke", you say "Aha". The sound of "Kaan" is similar to the style of the song, whether it was intentional or not. If you keep trying to get something out of life, you will end up feeling disappointed and forgotten. People will put you on the shelf and forget about you.



I was at the beach and heard the sound of birds chirping, the sound of waves, and a feeling of peace and happiness. It sounded familiar, like it was coming from Jabbar. I don't know if it was the lyrics or the music that made me feel so good. It was a peaceful moment and I felt really good inside. I hope Jabbar and Raf continue to make music that relaxes people instead of tiring them out.



Jabbar is a talented singer who plays music in some venues in Marmaris. I recently found some of his music online and it was really good. It's hard to tell how good he is based on just one song, but it was impressive for someone who is just starting out. He has the potential to become really successful if he gets the right support.



Spotify, featuring the artist Raf, is the most popular song in this country right now.



We need some shorter songs that are only 3-4 minutes long. We also need longer versions of the songs that are 7-8 minutes long. We want to be able to listen to some nice music by ourselves.

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