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blew my mind. I'm thinking crazy about what else I can sign up for besides registering for 4 courses already. If the hours are suitable, I would sit and watch such a situation even every day. tutoring from home, from professors at princeton, stanford! It's not going to happen. Whoever thought of it, I send my love, respect and all kinds of positive thoughts to them. only if the lessons will be online, it means that they will generally be at night, those lessons and quizzes. I don't sleep and listen to lessons now.



When we look at the number/population ratio of people using it actively, it is the site where our distinguished country, which has a university in every city, ranked 52nd behind Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Peru and Egypt. probably less hits than michaelsikkofield.blogspot in our country.



Excuse me, but this may be the original source of scripture. At this moment, again in the dictionary, on facebook, on twitter, on here, while you burn the time you lost, take a look. If it didn't interest you, you haven't reached the level you think it is yet. You know, if it's the moon, you may be thinking, "I'm tired of doing naughty things, I don't benefit myself or my environment. www.coursera.org



followed the thermodynamics course from the university of michigan. I am in the last week of the 2 month program. I got over the passing mark of 70. I can honestly say that I really enjoyed it and learned it completely. A mechanical engineer friend of mine did not believe me and took me to the exam. In response to my answers, he said, "Well, it's halal". A unique opportunity for lifelong learning enthusiasts. There are unlimited learning opportunities in the internet world now. I'm sure this kind of system will replace static universities in the future.

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