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avogadro number

is still the number of hydrogen atoms corresponding to one gram. because it already means 1 mole.


avogadro number

In fact, it should be called avogadro's constant. What is the avogadro number? lucky number of avogadrone?


avogadro number

A scientist who, in his secondary school years, turned his hatred towards chemistry into an obscene nursery rhyme and became a subject model by a friend who skipped chemistry class. Of course I don't approve. "Avogadro's scumbag, let my head go into the succulent atomic molecule"


avogadro number

To manifest how big a number it is, you can think of it like this: if we match each water molecule in a spoonful of water exactly to a star in the universe, we're left with extra water molecules. enough for ten universes of stars.


avogadro number

To discover such a number, you have to be seriously under the influence of drugs. I mean serious.


avogadro number

The number of atoms in 1 mole of atoms is 6.02 x 10^23'ee$it..


avogadro number

Constant found by the chemist whose full name is "lorenzo romano amedeo carlo avogadro di queregna e di ceretto".

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