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The Internet Archive is a non-profit organization that collects and stores digital copies of websites, books, music, movies, and other digital media. It is a library of digital content that is free to access and use. The Internet Archive is a great resource for anyone looking to find old or out-of-print materials.



There is a website where I can get a lot of documents written in the Ottoman Turkish language. Unfortunately, this website is not available in Turkey, and I don't know why someone would stop people from using it.



Someone is not allowing you to get into a certain website. The person who is blocking you from accessing the website doesn't know what they are doing. The website is an archive and the person in charge won't let it be deleted.



When proofreading, people can use the sea to help them compare details and make sure everything is correct. It can be a big help when used with Google Books and rare books, so people don't have to spend a lot of time double-checking.



Archive.org is a website that has a collection of 2,604 old video games from the MS-DOS era. You can play these games directly in your web browser.



The Modern Library of Alexandria is a digital archive that has been collecting data for 20 years. They have a huge amount of data stored, which is over 45 million gigabytes. They also make a backup of all the data, so the total amount of data they are dealing with is over 90 million gigabytes.



We can't get to what we want right now, but hopefully we'll be successful.



This website is run by people who are very kind and generous. It has books that you can read for free, either because their copyright has expired or because they don't need copyright. You can also download these books in different formats, like PDF, and Google has digitized them. There are also over 4,000 computer games that you can play on your browser. If you like the website, please consider donating to help keep it running.

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