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alper mestci

There are many talented young people who have achieved great success with their hard work and intelligence. However, some people criticize them and say that they don't work hard enough. This is unfair and wrong. There is one particular young person who has not been given enough recognition for their hard work, and some people don't even like them.


alper mestci

He was the director of the event and was very involved in making sure people were having a good time. At the end of the program, Uncle S³ha was sitting to the left of the character (but in our opinion, it should have been to the right) and was in front of the camera. Kelli wasn't comfortable being in front of the camera, but he still laughed at the jokes. He was also remembered for his illness. He reminded Sahan of the topics he would talk about in the story by hiding behind the balloon. I miss working with him.


alper mestci

One of the two people in charge of Zaga is a director.


alper mestci

Congratulations to the director of the best horror movie ever, the Alper Mesti Siccin movie. In my opinion, this movie was really good. It made you think, move, and be scared in terms of style and method, so you created an amazing trilogy. You created a unique flavor that not all directors can easily make - it was neither too sweet nor too salty, but just the perfect balance. Thank you to everyone who helped make the movie Siccin.


alper mestci

If we are talking about a big event that happened, either knowingly or unknowingly, it may be hard to pay attention to it. This event was so shocking that it made headlines when it happened. (See: People may be harsh with the ones they love).


alper mestci

Doctor Frankenstein is a character from the media. Recep Ivedik was created when people started to pay attention to him, but he has become a monster in the hands of Faruk Aksoy. Sahan G÷kbakar also made terrible jokes for the nation, but he didn't know it. Recep Ivedik and Faruk Aksoy have become very popular and rich by doing strange things for ratings. There is no sound coming out of it. He needs to do something amazing to get back on top in the channel-i-zation. I'm waiting for G÷khan Demir to make a move.

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