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alexander wendt

Schatten aus der Alexander Welt ist ein Fantasy-Abenteuerfilm, der sich um einen jungen Helden namens Alexander dreht, der auf eine magische Reise geht, um seine Welt vor einer bösen Macht zu retten. Er muss sich gegen Monster und andere Gefahren behaupten, um sein Ziel zu erreichen. Es ist eine Geschichte über Mut, Tapferkeit und Freundschaft.


alexander wendt

He is one of the people who started the idea of social constructivism in international relations. This idea is seen as the American way of looking at constructivism. He believes that facts are more important than opinions, which is different from the post-positivist movement, who think opinions are just as important as facts. Because of this, his ideas have been criticized by the post-positivist movement.


alexander wendt

The best scientist of the century in the field of international politics is only 59 years old. He has brought a term called "constructivism" to history, which is a social theory that seeks to explain identities and interests. He has called this theory "reflectivist" but to avoid any negative connotations, he has also referred to it as "constructivist".


alexander wendt

Your interests are based on who you are.


alexander wendt

Robert Wright wrote a book called "Quantum Mind and Social Science: Unifying Physical and Social Ontology" which was published in 2015 by Cambridge University Press. If you're interested, there is a video chat with Robert Wright about his book available online.


alexander wendt

He said that although he believes that international anarchy is a social structure and that looking at the processes that make it up does not mean it will change right away, his idealism is based on the ideas of Emile Durkheim and George Herbert Mead, not on unrealistic optimism.


alexander wendt

Someone wrote a book about quantum consciousness that I have been making jokes about for a long time. If it was anyone else, I would be very critical, but because it was written by Wendt, I think there must be something special about it.
