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hating your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend
3 year ago
When someone is in love, they may act in a way that is out of character for them. They may do things that they wouldn't normally do, like pretending to be in love or taking pleasure in something bad that happened to their partner. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to find a solution to this problem.
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distrito salvage
2 year ago
A series is being made that is exclusive to Netflix. I'm very curious about the version of the series and if someone is trying to make it, I can provide a good story. I also noticed that the prosecutor in the series is likely the sister of the main character. The way the mother watches the prosecutor on TV and the lack of any mention of the sister throughout the season made me think this.
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2 year ago
(see: honda life on it)
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2 year ago
My mom had acne on her nose that wouldn't go away for months. I asked the pharmacy for a medicine to help and they gave me Fucicort. The instructions say not to use it for skin diseases that cause redness on the face, like acne rosacea, teenage acne, or acne-prone areas.
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2 year ago
a drug used in the treatment of urinary tract infection, containing 3gr of fosfomycin. equivalents: (see: monurol) (see: urocare) (see: uroday)

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le couperet
2 year ago
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2 year ago

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Member Since 2020 03 26