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bargello perfume
2 year ago
Burberry Classic is a company that makes perfumes that last longer than most other brands.
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scientific research on increasing our life span and immortality
4 year ago
People used to live to around 30 years old on average 200 years ago. Now, the average life expectancy is around 72 years old. Even though we have made a lot of progress in science, the maximum life expectancy of someone who is 70 years old today is only 86 years old, which is only 7 years more than it was 180 years ago. Some people have lived to be over 100 years old in the past, but the current maximum life expectancy is around 120 years.
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essalamu aleykum ve rahmatullahi ve barakatuhu
2 year ago
(see: ve aleyna aleykum salam verahmetullahi veberekatuhu) (see: essalamun aleykum ve rahmatullah) (see: essalamun aleykum ve rahmatullah) (see: god bless) (see: amen)

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2 year ago
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nesin math village
2 year ago

fight club

297 points
3 entries
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Member Since 2019 04 05