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in article sylvanas windrunner (1 year ago)
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2 year ago
I said that the group should not use Acun for their activities. If I was in their position, I would use the internet instead. The internet can be a better option for certain groups of people if it is used correctly. There are many examples of this.
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sylvanas windrunner
1 year ago
in this game, after thrall, the character i trust the most is vol'jin. he also said in his last moments: "the spirits have granted me clarity. a vision. they whisper a name. many will not understand. but you must step out of the shadows and lead!. you must be warchief." that's what's happening right now. "many do not understand." but we trust the vol'jin chief. because he did not trust sylvanas himself, and he gave this task to him. it has a virtue. don't talk too much to banshee queen, you'll end up being an ass.
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temet nosce
2 year ago
it is one of the greek mythology influences in the matrix movie. "temet nosce" means "know thyself" and is inscribed in the temple of delphi. this temple is famous for its oracle named pythia, who prophesied with the instructions it received from apollo.
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forth eorlingas
2 year ago
The famous line from the movie was so powerful that it gave people chills just by reading it. Some people were so moved by it that they even stood up in the theater when they heard it.
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bilge demirkoz
2 year ago
A scientist I know has a very arrogant attitude. If I could see even a little bit of kindness in him, I would stay in his team and give my all. People are like spikes, they bend down when they are full. In the end, all we have is our humanity. Unfortunately, my wise teacher does not understand this. I am the daughter of a professor who studied at Oxford, but I am so different from his rude attitude and culture. Love of knowledge is meaningful when it is combined with kindness, beauty, and humility.
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2 year ago
This play is really cool because it makes you feel like you're part of the show. When you enter the theater, you'll be surrounded by actors on both sides. As you watch the performance, you'll feel like you're part of the action.

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sylvanas windrunner
1 year ago
in this game, after thrall, the character i trust the most is vol'jin. he also said in his last moments: "the spirits have granted me clarity. a vision. they whisper a name. many will not understand. but you must step out of the shadows and lead!. you must be warchief." that's what's happening right now. "many do not understand." but we trust the vol'jin chief. because he did not trust sylvanas himself, and he gave this task to him. it has a virtue. don't talk too much to banshee queen, you'll end up being an ass.
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temet nosce
2 year ago
it is one of the greek mythology influences in the matrix movie. "temet nosce" means "know thyself" and is inscribed in the temple of delphi. this temple is famous for its oracle named pythia, who prophesied with the instructions it received from apollo.

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Member Since 2020 03 05