total likes (1)
in article yessica kumala (1 year ago)
in title
lamia magic
2 year ago
It's great that people with schizophrenia can lead a normal life if they take their medication after being treated in a psychiatric clinic. Unfortunately, some people don't think about this option.
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bed wetting
4 year ago
(see alarm method)
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2 year ago
Buffalo poop.
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yessica kumala
1 year ago
(see: seeing yessica kumala through the eyes of josh holloway)
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peeing in a forky pattern
1 year ago
pipicular discomfort that can be corrected by gently squeezing and releasing the tip of the penis. tried, approved...

no entries available

in title
yessica kumala
1 year ago
(see: seeing yessica kumala through the eyes of josh holloway)
in title
peeing in a forky pattern
1 year ago
pipicular discomfort that can be corrected by gently squeezing and releasing the tip of the penis. tried, approved...
in title
detroit metal city
2 year ago
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albert caraco
2 year ago
trent doctor

319 points
5 entries
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Member Since 2020 01 24