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movies that give people the joy of life
3 year ago
(see adult movie)
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quitig antibiotic use
3 year ago
If you plan to drink a lot on the weekend and you are taking an antibiotic treatment that ends on Monday, you can speed up the fight against bacteria and microbes by taking the medication for a shorter amount of time. Instead of taking it for 8 hours, take it for 6 hours, and instead of taking it for 6 hours, take it for 4 hours.
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facial beauty
3 year ago
For me, beauty is mostly determined by the lower half of the face. Eyes are beautiful on everyone, and eyebrows can be pretty too, as long as they aren't over-plucked or shaped in a strange way. The forehead isn't usually a factor in beauty. The nose, mouth, chin, jawline, cheeks, and cheekbones are the main things that make someone look beautiful, as well as how far apart they are from each other. The upper half of the face doesn't have as many features, so it's not as important.

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2 year ago
trefor clegg
323 points
3 entries
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Member Since 2020 04 28