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celaluddin harzemshah
2 year ago
Celaleddin was a young man who was known for being a romantic warrior. His father was a leader of the Mongols, a group of people who were known for their fierce fighting. Celaleddin was a commander and a prince, and he was so successful that even Genghis Khan, the most powerful Mongol leader, was impressed by him. He tried to prevent the Mongols from causing destruction and chaos, which was seen as the apocalypse.
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atonal music
2 year ago
Atonal music is a type of music that does not follow the traditional rules of harmony. It is often chaotic and disorganized, and can be associated with negative ideas such as destruction and nothingness. For example, Nikita Koshkin's "Usher Waltz" was inspired by Edgar Allen Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher" and describes the collapse of a house. Most of his works, except for Leo Brouwer's "Un Dia de Noviembre," have sounds that are unfamiliar to the listener. Atonal music became popular in the 1920s.
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jane maryam
2 year ago
Sara Naeini's beautiful performance should be heard.
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2 year ago
When a dentist needs to clean out the cavities in a tooth, they make a hole in the tooth. If the hole is opened too wide, it can expose the nerve. This is called capping and it usually takes 21 days to treat. If the capping doesn't work, the dentist will usually do a root canal treatment.
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gilbert strang
2 year ago
Nilgun Isk's Sipastik True False Questions have made it much harder for people to attend Math 201 class at Bogazici University since his videos have become popular. The book is good, but the course is difficult, so the questions are very challenging.

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trefor clegg
327 points
5 entries
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Member Since 2020 05 12