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in article clifford geertz (1 year ago)
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clifford geertz
1 year ago
he is an anthropologist who has an important influence on the italian microstoria tradition. giovanni levi has a detailed examination of geertz and his interpretive anthropology in his article "on microhistory".
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black japanese
1 year ago
it's the combination that raises the question of whether globalization is such a good thing.
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the worst punishment for a man
2 year ago
This text is about how computer programs can be used to solve complex problems. It explains that computers can be used to break down a problem into smaller, more manageable pieces. This makes it easier for the computer to find a solution. By breaking down the problem into smaller parts, the computer can work through each part and come up with a solution.
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heart break
3 year ago
The feeling of excitement fades away.

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clifford geertz
1 year ago
he is an anthropologist who has an important influence on the italian microstoria tradition. giovanni levi has a detailed examination of geertz and his interpretive anthropology in his article "on microhistory".
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black japanese
1 year ago
it's the combination that raises the question of whether globalization is such a good thing.
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2 year ago
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4 entries
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Member Since 2020 02 03