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hair transplant
3 year ago
If you are getting a hair transplant, it is best to go to a private hospital that has an "aesthetic clinic". These clinics are hygienic and the doctors are certified. It may cost a bit more, but it is worth it to make sure you are getting the best care. Avoid hair transplant centers that are not reputable.
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turning 25 years old syndrome
3 year ago
It's a bit funny when you say "25 years".
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white bear
3 year ago
The episode is called "White Bear" and it is not a pleasant experience.
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peach schnapps
2 year ago
Septhalia Schnapps is a type of alcoholic drink. The most popular brand of this drink is called Archers.
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3 year ago
An erection that lasts for 24 hours without stopping and is 10 times stronger than Viagra.
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double date
2 year ago
In the TV show Seinfeld, Jerry is very interested in his masseuse girlfriend, even though George has a girlfriend. Kramer and Mickey also go on dates with two women. You can watch videos of these scenes on the video sites provided.

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Member Since 2020 07 12