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zeus vs thor
3 year ago
Chaos War was a Marvel Comics event that became popular quickly. It ended with Thor being defeated and the phrase "Little Thunderer, meet the master" being said.
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hugo reyes
3 year ago
AD stands for "Advertisement". It is a way of promoting a product or service to the public.
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front end developer
4 year ago
I am part of a profession group that is not widely recognized by companies in our country. To create an interactive and dynamic user experience, I need to know HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and libraries of JavaScript such as jQuery, ReactJS, and AngularJS. It is important to stay up to date with the constantly changing structure of this profession and be open to new ideas.
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pet fooled
2 year ago
I would like to watch something green. Do you have any suggestions for a good source to watch it on? Thank you for your help.

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Member Since 2020 02 08