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in article navratri-nine nights of durga (6 year ago)
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Kim Taehyung
11 month ago
The Kim Taehyung fan club is dedicated, always supporting his endeavors in and out of BTS.
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Google image search
11 month ago
You can directly upload images to Google for searching. Helps when you're curious about an image's origin.
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come eye to eye
11 month ago
The poet (or lyricist) didn't say in vain "I don't want to see eye to eye" because those who have something to hide, who feel weaker than the other person, who lie, and sometimes wounded lovers* can't see eye to eye; they can be distinguished from others by stubbornly looking into their eyes...
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11 month ago
It impresses with its simple design. The site will be as simple as that, friend.
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fuck the new girlfriend for the first time
11 month ago
since it was a really long process since the previous one; that I am waiting for with enthusiasm and excitement, and I am already sorry for the situation of the possible person; "Whatever, don't exaggerate so much, is it the first time I said it" is the subject. deep note; "Hold on girl I'm not going to do anything bad I'm just going to do something the doorman said ismail" (see: king of doormen)
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11 month ago
2 days ago, 119.90 lira was withdrawn 2 times without my knowledge of my Halkbank credit card. I have never even heard of it, and I don't understand what it is. Although I always use 3D in my online shopping, I don't know how it happened.
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construction site
11 month ago
Şathiye is the name of a poetic literary style derived from the root şath, or to put it the way I like it: şathiyye. shath means to defend an idea, a case. Doing this (describing the case) publicly is considered a shame in Sufi culture. because there will be those who do not understand or those who misunderstand. Thus, the way of a fantastic poem is opened. The best examples were given to Emir by Kaygusuz Abdal and Dolphin.
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the 40 year old virgin
11 month ago
"How do I know you're gay, do you know?" I don't know if the elk was a pre-existing thing, but it sure became very popular with this movie. If you follow yuğtuğb, it can be seen that the Americans have almost reached the level of "your mother is so fat..." joke. how unemployed am i... an unfilmed line I heard from behind the scenes is: -you know how i know youre gay? +how? -you waxed your anus +you know how i know youre gay? -how? +you waxed my anus.
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come eye to eye
11 month ago
If it is something that happens to you with someone of the opposite sex, it is an event that clearly indicates the situation. but if the opposite is the case, then your communication skills should come into play.
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red hafize ahmet master
11 month ago
the best grandfather for our country.
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alexia fast
11 month ago
aged and mother jessica alba is a beautiful chick. mashallah!
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avogadro number
11 month ago
To manifest how big a number it is, you can think of it like this: if we match each water molecule in a spoonful of water exactly to a star in the universe, we're left with extra water molecules. enough for ten universes of stars.
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11 month ago
It is a cult that has lodges in Prisren and practices the "rite in which they immerse themselves in fog" every spring (I can't remember the exact date, I'll edit the entry after some research). Since the sects were not banned in the old yugoslavia period, they have continued this tradition every year without interruption.
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11 month ago
If it was a perfume brand, maybe they could have ads like this: “Zümerret. the smell of my man”
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best italian movies
11 month ago
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11 month ago
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11 month ago
eng. fear.. (see: high anxiety).. is pronounced as enzayti..
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ulku tamer
11 month ago
It is one of the most beautiful poems I have ever read. The second part of this poem is one of the most beautiful compliments I have ever seen; after love... the sleep that follows love does not make love, but completes you, the country of your face knows no bounds, leaves the night without borders, that thin sadness hits all its history on its back, you are like a festivity on the branch where the sparrow, which crosses the sea in three days, perches panting in the morning
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21 day rule
11 month ago
they say time is the cure for everything; it's not exactly like that. time is not a solution to any problem. You solve the problem, and time helps your wounds hurt less. So is the 21 day rule. The essential feature of all living things is adaptation. You change the habitat of all living things without exception, it either adapts or it happens. not between
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1st mechanized infantry brigade command
11 month ago
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11 month ago
Actually, this is the Illuminati or something, I don't have much interest or knowledge, but it's a strange event. Is it someone's conspiracy or did I really just enter the site my eyes saw? give it a try and see what happens. edit: spelling edit2: copy and paste the link into your browser's navigation tab.
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11 month ago
(see hypothetical)
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11 month ago
It is recommended to take it at least 1 hour before meals and always at the same time, which is not written in the drug leaflet.
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11 month ago
(see: taqwa) (see: Muharram)
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mary-kate olsen
1 year ago
Married to her boyfriend Olivier Sarkozy. I was too lazy to calculate how many years there are between them, it's almost like a child in my eyes because the man is too big.
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1 year ago
You have two daughters who are so sweet that I do not accept your existential depression, my friend. we really miss you.
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beta alanine
1 year ago
A nutritional powder supplement that helps to delay muscle fatigue, causes an itchy-stinging sensation 15-30 minutes after consumption, and increases endurance. It also helps to reduce the pain felt the day after exercising.
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mandarin duck
1 year ago
Today, I saw one of the animals that I could possibly call "the most beautiful" in my life. It is also known as the Chinese Duck.
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1 year ago
It is symbolized by a nine-branched candlestick called the hanukkah. the oil lamp or candle in the middle is used to light the others. The first candle or oil lamp is lit on the first night. then eight candles or oil lamps are lit together on the last night, increasing by one each night. It is believed that the lit candle or oil lamp in Hanukkah gives courage and hope to all people.
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robson de souza robinho
1 year ago
It is a dramatic situation to imagine having millions of euros in one's account, yet spending a period of one's life in Sivas, which can be quite painful.
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fear dot com
1 year ago
Stephen Orff and Natascha McElhone play two people who are competing against each other in a bad copy of the movie "Ringu". The movie is so bad that it feels like it never ends, and it would have been better if they had used a song from the band Rammstein in the soundtrack.
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parra for cuva
1 year ago
A German band that plays relaxing music has some great versions of the song "Wicked Games". You can find more of their music on the website SoundCloud, under the name Parra for Cuva.
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1 year ago
Morgoth, a powerful enemy, sent a huge army of dragons to attack the Valar, a group of powerful beings, from Angband, their home. Earendil, who was riding on a special ship called Vingilot, fought the dragons with help from Thorondor and a group of eagles. After a long battle, Ancalagon, the biggest dragon, was defeated.
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tsilla chelton
1 year ago
Apart from the movie Pandora's Box, he has also been in other movies such as Sensuality, Soeur Sourire, Vow of Silence, and Musketeer. These are all different movies that he has acted in.
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multiple myeloma
1 year ago
A type of cancer that cannot be cured if it is accompanied by a buildup of proteins in the body.
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novaya zemlya
1 year ago
This movie is really scary and was directed by Alexander Melnik. It talks about how people can be cruel to each other and how society can be formed. It is a great movie to watch if you are studying psychology or sociology.
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castle long
1 year ago
I burned 4 milligrams of Kaifun in a special atomizer that has five pans. It was brewed for 6 months. 75% of the liquid was green and 25% was something else. If you like it green, I can give you the recipe I tried.
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parra for cuva
1 year ago
DJ is someone who makes music that helps people relax and feel peaceful. They create songs that give people a sense of calm and tranquility.
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clair de lune
1 year ago
It is said that it can help with heartache, but this is just a rumor.
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la chartreuse de parme
1 year ago
Stendhal wrote a book in just 52 days about a small Italian city during the time of the Renaissance. The book is about the secrets and unfairness that happened in the city. Even though the book talks about a monastery in the city, there was no real monastery there.
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milo manara
1 year ago
Hey everyone, I have some information for you. The staff at D&R are selling numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 for 2 liras each. This is a great deal, so don't miss out on it even if you don't know the person's name. Check out the link for more information.
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Jean Michel Jarre
1 year ago
Saying "it would never rest if it was acoustic" for its music is like saying "it would never be eaten without yogurt" for ravioli. You shouldn't be too strict. That's what the guy does...and he does it pretty well.
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bvlgari aqva marine
1 year ago
The price of 100ml at Watsons is currently 119 TL - a great deal to stock up on!
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sophie nelisse
1 year ago
She has a younger sister named Isabelle Nelisse who is just as talented as she is. These are very valuable, sir.
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download mp3 from youtube
1 year ago
Click the triangle adjacent to the 'Convert to MP3' button and select the desired download quality; the rest of the process will be handled automatically.
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1 year ago
This website provides a useful service in allowing users to ascertain the production date of cosmetic products. However, locating the small numbers printed on the product can be a difficult task, particularly if the item has been stored away for an extended period of time and the writing has been worn away. In such cases, it is almost impossible to determine the date of manufacture.
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riemann hypothesis
1 year ago
Those interested in research can access the article by Michael Atiyah via this link.
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my name vitamin
1 year ago
One of the most remarkable series I have recently viewed is a French production that raises the question of whether immortality is a beneficial or detrimental concept. It was available on both Blutv and Netflix until recently, and is now only available on Netflix. This series should not be overlooked.
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my name vitamin
1 year ago
It performed admirably with its limited budget and I believe it is one of the underappreciated series on Netflix. It contains a hint of detective work, a plethora of psychological implications, and queries regarding whether eternal life is a paradise or a nightmare, etc.
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moiz kohen
1 year ago
From lovers to his executioner; The Turkish style of quality is, of course, this: if one cannot prevent it, they must accept it. It is not surprising that even the football players, who may have initially viewed tolerance as a mere holiday village in Southern Europe, have acted with a motive other than the effort to somehow create a living space for themselves in our beloved homeland, which has undergone a name change.
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things that remind of childhood
1 year ago
having oreos the traditional way, twist, lick and eat
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characters from fiction you most identify with
2 year ago
not sure about myself but can surely relate my ex-boyfriend to johnny bravo, charming at first but a big loser and a flirt in real. i dont even know why i dated him
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movie buffs
2 year ago
i have been follopwing iranina cinema lately, not so commercial but great food for thought on how simple thinsg can be done. maybe, hollywood should go more simple now
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halloween couple costume Ideas
6 year ago
awww, cookie monster is the cutest
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Interesting and strangest phobias
6 year ago
"xanthophobia – fear of the colour yellow". my cousin has it, at first we couldn't figure out its a phobia we thought its just her hatred for color yellow. she literally hates anything and everything that is yellow like sun or even daffodils.
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6 year ago
"tweet your own business
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kahve dunyasi
6 year ago
Ï have had a chance to try kahve dunyasi in london, i found it alright, i still prefer to grab my morning coffee from starbucks.
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navratri-nine nights of durga
6 year ago
wow! seems to be a very colorful tradition. love the colors in hindu traditions.
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celebrities as teenagers. not everyone is born beautiful
6 year ago
angelina jolie is so ordinary i cant believe

no entries available

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things that remind of childhood
1 year ago
having oreos the traditional way, twist, lick and eat
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movie buffs
2 year ago
i have been follopwing iranina cinema lately, not so commercial but great food for thought on how simple thinsg can be done. maybe, hollywood should go more simple now
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navratri-nine nights of durga
6 year ago
wow! seems to be a very colorful tradition. love the colors in hindu traditions.
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6 year ago
"tweet your own business
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kahve dunyasi
6 year ago
Ï have had a chance to try kahve dunyasi in london, i found it alright, i still prefer to grab my morning coffee from starbucks.
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characters from fiction you most identify with
2 year ago
not sure about myself but can surely relate my ex-boyfriend to johnny bravo, charming at first but a big loser and a flirt in real. i dont even know why i dated him
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halloween couple costume Ideas
6 year ago
awww, cookie monster is the cutest
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celebrities as teenagers. not everyone is born beautiful
6 year ago
angelina jolie is so ordinary i cant believe
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Interesting and strangest phobias
6 year ago
"xanthophobia – fear of the colour yellow". my cousin has it, at first we couldn't figure out its a phobia we thought its just her hatred for color yellow. she literally hates anything and everything that is yellow like sun or even daffodils.
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cockroach killing methods
1 year ago
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1 year ago
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freedom writers
1 year ago
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almost famous
1 year ago
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ad astra per aspera
1 year ago
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1 year ago
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Anna Konchakovskaya
1 year ago
385 points
59 entries
message me about all things related to cars :)
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Member Since 2018 05 13