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in article being 30 (1 year ago)
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YouTube Vanced
11 month ago
Just updated to the YouTube Vanced apk latest version. It's smoother and has a few more tweaks.
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Kim Taehyung
11 month ago
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creative ways to meet a girl
11 month ago
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rival de loop
11 month ago
The brand that conquered my heart with its ultimate volume mascara. I've tried so many brands of mascaras for so long, I've never seen one as good as this one. Maybelline lash sensational or something that is in the hands of everyone is a lie. go get this. I bought it for 13 liras recently.
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11 month ago
Since I couldn't find myself after enjoying the shisha with azure tropical citrus, which tastes fruit at the highest level, I tried starbuzz citrus mist. Then when I couldn't find it either, I said aha american blend a hookah and found zumerret citrus mix. a complete disappointment. It looks a lot like ordinary ones. While waiting for dense and abundant aromatic smoke, zumerret is not premium in my eyes with dry and weak smoke pleasure, but it has received an ordinary hold score.
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11 month ago
It is originally a chilean folk song. It is included in Grup Yorum's album "It's Hard to Die in June".
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11 month ago
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swimming at night
11 month ago
What only fathers can do. children can only perform the action of "swimming at night".
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11 month ago
Latin word for "litigation" in Roman law. To explain with an example; actio criminalis: criminal case actio doli: case against fraud actio furti: case against theft ... that's how it goes.
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11 month ago
Even desktop developers will start using it, some friends continue to not recommend it for mobile.
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red hafize ahmet master
11 month ago
Atatürk's paternal grandfather. It is also among the rumors that the upper lineage is nomads from Konya, and some of them even returned to Konya to the Mevlevi lodge.
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hd torrents
11 month ago
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bulletproof glass
11 month ago
glass made of the highest quality laminate, also available in single-sided bulletproof selective permeable models to provide counter-attack opportunity.
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11 month ago
built-in* systems; They can also be found hidden inside the installation wall, there must be/must be an installation chimney behind the wall. These processes are not preferred by the poor as they will increase the cost ** very much. Since it is not easy to be transported, assembled, or repaired*, the logic of one end at a time is valid; It is expensive*, high quality* and aesthetic*.
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benjen stark
11 month ago
What happened to this man is still unknown, there are no clues or clues. That's why folks have hit the bottom of the theory. There are so many absurd theories that it was a kind of deer for book fans to call each mysterious character benjen. Is there an unidentified character? benjen bro for sure. --- book spoiler --- --- spoiler --- coldhands may be the most well-known claim, but there is evidence to the contrary. no one has a clear idea, unlike jon snow's mother or azor ahai theories. --- spoiler --- --- book spoiler ---
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censoring blade runner 2049
1 year ago
We strongly oppose piracy, but we are even more opposed to censorship of piracy. We respect a director's right to make their own choices and we will not restrict or deny access to art.
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yandex image search
1 year ago
In my opinion, the most notable feature of an image search engine is that it can find images in different sizes.
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adobe after effects
1 year ago
This program provides free tutorial lessons to help you learn the basics of English easily.
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sex with Libra
1 year ago
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6 February 2023 Turkey, Gaziantep Earthquake
1 year ago
In Antep, there is no electricity and it is raining heavily, making the weather unbearably cold. People are trying to stay warm by lighting fires in the streets. Unfortunately, the old, historical houses in the center have been demolished and replaced with streets that ambulances cannot access. I am trembling from the cold, but I am also afraid to go home.
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1 year ago
I purchased the espresso blend no. 1 coffee from a coffee shop and found it to be mediocre. There was too much scorching and no notes. I would not recommend it. Now, I am considering what to do with the remaining half kilogram of coffee.
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1 year ago
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1 year ago
You can easily convert from PDF to ePUB, or from ePUB to PDF, if desired, on the website without needing to download any program. It is recommended.
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valar morghulis
1 year ago
Valar Morghulis" is a phrase in High Valyrian, meaning "all men must die.
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1 year ago
There is a parallel between the young nurse in Ingmar Bergman's movie Persona and the nurse character in this movie, or rather a reference to Yorgos Lanthimos' masterwork. In both films, we see a crisis of identity and characters who attempt to define their place in life, to condense a person's position, and to fill in the gaps without knowing what their shortcomings are.
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1 year ago
Evernote has a blog post that offers a notebook with grammar rules:…-ile-eglenceli-english/
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1 year ago
Spiritism is a belief system that centers around the idea that the spirits of the dead can communicate with the living.
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6 February 2023 Turkey, Gaziantep Earthquake
1 year ago
We are deeply saddened to report that the most extensive and severe earthquake in the last 500 years has occurred, causing destruction in the areas of Kahramanmaraş, Hatay, Malatya, Gaziantep, Diyarbakır, and Adana. We wish everyone affected by this tragedy a speedy recovery.
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emppu vuorinen
1 year ago
This man is hilarious. It's really funny.
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capo di tutti capi
1 year ago
The algorithm is designed to identify patterns in the data. The algorithm is designed to look for similarities or repeated patterns in the data.
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jenny von westphalen
1 year ago
He was a tall and skinny guy with beautiful green eyes and reddish-brown hair. People were drawn to him because of his good looks. He would sometimes tie his hair up and sometimes let it hang down. He had a bright and attractive face. Jenny and Karl Marx got married on June 19, 1843 in a small Lutheran church with only their family present.
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as built drawing
1 year ago
Drawing is like giving your soul away. When you start working on a project, don't keep changing it. Stick to the plan and you will feel like you are in a trance.
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1 year ago
The doctor gave me medicine when I told him I was having trouble sleeping at night. Now I don't have insomnia anymore, but instead I have trouble waking up and staying awake during the day.
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nero d'avola
1 year ago
I'm thinking about a delicious drink that reminds me of a beautiful friend I'm texting with. It's like a heavenly grape wine that I can't get enough of. I wish I could be enjoying it on a beach with a glass of Nero d'Avola, but my wife is getting mad at me so I have to stop daydreaming.
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carlos kaiser
1 year ago
Harvey Esajas is a Dutch entrepreneur and investor. Harvey Esajas is a Dutch businessperson who puts money into businesses and helps them grow.
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capo di tutti capi
1 year ago
Giuseppe "Joe the Boss" Masseria was a powerful Italian-American mobster in the early 20th century. He was known for being the leader of one of the most powerful criminal organizations in New York City. He was also known for his violent tactics and his willingness to use violence to get what he wanted. He was eventually killed in a gang war in 1931.
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1 year ago
I have sinusitis, which causes me to have a lot of headaches when I'm on a plane. I took a strong pain reliever called Laroxyl, but it didn't seem to do anything. I said it was okay and decided to keep taking it. When I got home, I went to bed and woke up 14 hours later. I haven't taken it today.
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1 year ago
Milk contains a type of medicine called an antibiotic. Antibiotics are used to fight off infections caused by bacteria.
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1 year ago
Crepuscule is a 2009 Dutch movie that is 70 minutes long and is filmed in black and white. It is an erotic drama, directed by two people, Victor Nieuwenhuijs and Maartje Seyferth.
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jenny von westphalen
1 year ago
The woman who made Karl Marx famous was the daughter of a Baron who was in charge of a government in Trier, Germany. Her father was given a title of nobility for helping a Prince during a war called the Seven Years' War. Karl Marx was so inspired by her that he added poet to his list of titles, which included economist, philosopher, sociologist and revolutionary.
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1 year ago
It is difficult to accept.
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aus dem nichts
1 year ago
This movie is not very special and doesn't have anything new to offer. People seem to be really enjoying it, but it's hard to believe that the court would accept the testimony of someone who was obviously lying. This makes it hard to believe the story and takes away from the realism of the movie.
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1 year ago
This is a website where people who only attend school in person can show off how cool they are.
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obito uchiha
1 year ago
The only young man from the Uchiha clan who is not in a good mental state. Don't think of him as someone like his brother Itachi, you may have strong feelings for him but don't exaggerate.
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obito uchiha
1 year ago
He is a brave member of the Uchiha clan, a legendary group of anime characters. He is not as dumb as people say, and he is even considered a genius. He is the second person to reach the highest level of power, and I named my cat Obito after him. My cat's life was similar to Obito's when he was 7 months old.
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scott bradlee & postmodern jukebox
1 year ago
Following YouTube channels can be a pleasurable experience, but it's a shame that such a great platform has so few entries. Listen, listen...
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hans selye
1 year ago
Eustress is a type of stress that is beneficial and can even be enjoyable. Eustress is a type of stress that can be beneficial and even enjoyable.
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brachypelma smithi
1 year ago
A docile tarantula that is ideal for keeping as a pet in the home.
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1 year ago
As Netflix continues to expand its subtitled content into markets such as Turkey, Mubi has responded by removing Turkish subtitles and even the English voiceover, prompting the question: which company is more globally-minded and has made the correct decision?
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1 year ago
The website I consulted revealed that the perfume I purchased from abroad for 600 lira had been manufactured in 2013, and its shelf life had expired. Its aroma was reminiscent of sugar candy, which was rather disheartening.
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welder moody
1 year ago
Yesterday, I was unable to resist the temptation and purchased the WWRC415 and WWRC414 models. I am also considering acquiring the WWRC403 model, as I am quite taken with it.
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being 30
1 year ago
you are a new born all over again
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best french fries
1 year ago
the best one is the last one in the big brown bag

no entries available

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being 30
1 year ago
you are a new born all over again
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best french fries
1 year ago
the best one is the last one in the big brown bag
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11 month ago
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11 month ago
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11 month ago
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hd torrents
11 month ago
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1 year ago
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1 year ago
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