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emma sjoberg
2 year ago
In the scene where she took off her clothes and threw a mini skirt into a taxi, she made a big impression on everyone watching. That's why I keep watching the movie again and again.
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ummu qirfa
2 year ago
He fought against the Muslims and was captured as a result of the battle. It is not known for sure if he was killed or not. In Islamic culture, it is not allowed to execute an elderly woman.
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medina meme
2 year ago
People think of us as people who ride camels and wear chadors, and get angry. But then they say we are a modern country. They tell us to stop violence against women and say we have taken the immorality of the west. But who has taken whose depravity? Wasn't it you, cursing the person who hurt your daughter? They say our country will be one of the leading states in Europe in 10 years. But will the girl who was hurt come back? No. Let's make the world ours.

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Member Since 2020 01 24