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macit flordun
2 year ago
His voice is very impressive, like a kind and wise teacher. It reminds us of a clumsy poet, and many other people who are similar to him. He is a leader, and is known for his acting skills, intelligence, and experience in theater. It is impressive if he can handle difficult situations without getting overwhelmed. Let's take a look at this example (see the link).
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3 year ago
Eskisehir is home to a very silly card game. People in Eskisehir don't play it much because it's hard to find someone to play with outside of the city. The game can be over in a few minutes or take up to three hours. After the game, people often get into arguments that last for two or three hours. One time, the game even ended up at the police station!
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naples velata
2 year ago
I was really disappointed, but then I heard about the new Ferzan Ozpetek movie called Istanbul Red and it gave me hope. I'm really excited to see it and can't wait!
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leave an ezel line for the night
2 year ago
Ramiz's daughter handed him the book of the story of two cities and asked if he had read it before. Ramiz replied that he had read it before, but that people and books change over time. He suggested that they should read the book again to see what it has to say.
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robust, let's entrust it to god
2 year ago
This is a rating that means the thing being rated was not very good.

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2 year ago
patrica elliott
350 points
5 entries
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Member Since 2020 01 17