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abby cornish
2 year ago
There is a person whose personal information can be found on the website, but I am not sure if they are actually a real person. Unfortunately, the website is no longer working.
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2 year ago
The oldest part of a theater in Greek architecture is called a conistra. This word comes from the Greek word "konis" which means "sand". The word "orchestra" comes from the Greek word "orkheistai" which means "to dance".
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der struwwelpeter
2 year ago
Mark Twain translated a book called "Shaggy Peter" into English and called it "Slovenian Peter". This book was published 25 years after his death. It was also featured in an episode of the TV show "The Office" where Michael Scott said it was written by Dwight's Nazi criminal grandmother.
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erdinger dunkel
2 year ago
Both dark and light beers that have a sweet, caramel-like flavor.

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nessa isserman
339 points
4 entries
About: ...
Member Since 2020 09 24