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3 year ago
This is a medication that can make you feel very tired and sometimes make you feel sick to your stomach. It affects the chemicals in your body.
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jane maryam
2 year ago
Evgeny Grinko's version of this beautiful song should be heard.
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front end developer
3 year ago
I am trying to learn a computer language that involves HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but it is confusing and I have a lot of questions.
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2 year ago
After a few bad experiences, a person is very nervous when they come across a certain situation. To avoid this, they change their normal routine to avoid the situation. If they do come across it, they quickly turn around and go the other way. If they make eye contact with the situation, they become even more scared and run away quickly.

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johann cui
381 points
4 entries
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Member Since 2020 01 07