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gpt-4 turbo
8 month ago
It's true that there are concerns like its impact on human intelligence. Now, with technology taking over many mentally demanding tasks, people might become less intellectually engaged, leading to faster forgetting and less critical thinking. Just as people now go to the gym to maintain their physical health, it's possible that in the future, mental exercises will be necessary to preserve cognitive well-being. It's essential to find a balance between utilizing technology to improve our lives and maintaining our mental and physical health through active engagement and exercise.
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Google image search
11 month ago
Ever tried searching by image on your phone? It's super handy when you can't find the right words.
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11 month ago
I will speak very clearly about this nest of evil; fuck the mother of her regiment wherever she is.
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11 month ago
There is a super test developed to understand whether a company you work with is corporate: you kidnap the official responsible for you and lock him in a cabin on the mountain of pain. If everything goes well the next day, the people in front of you have become an institution. Let's say the opposite happened, things got mixed up, you picked up the phone. There was such and such a thing. If they say, "Ahmed is not here today, Mehmet is there, I am connecting to him" and when you talk to Mehmet, he acts as if he does not know anything, it is not an institution, attack.
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11 month ago
retinol user guide: In the 1st week, twice a week, with an interval of two days, we moisten up to 3 peas on the back of our hands, we apply retinol in 1 pea, we mix it, we distribute it on our skin, we use it at night, we do not go out without sunscreen, it should be applied at home even 2. week 2 peas moisturizing 2 peas retinol 2- 3 times 3rd week 3 peas of retinol 1 pea moisturizer 2-3 times a week 4th week take our moisturizer 1 pea of retinol 3-4 times a week.
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11 month ago
is the simultaneous clustering of antibodies in a liquid form in a suitable medium.
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en garde
11 month ago
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caffe americano
11 month ago
A diluted, diluted, pasha coffee that is created by the effort of the Americans, who are not satisfied with a single sip of espresso, to bring the Italian taste to xxl American standards.
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land rover freelander
11 month ago
lady's car for weekly shopping from supermarket.
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11 month ago
The site is the savior of internet handicapped people like me. edit: thanks to talemon for the info
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chloe stafler
11 month ago
french chocolate. cute singer with a nice interpretation style. que vendra
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Considerations when playing backgammon
11 month ago
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en garde
11 month ago
Ayşe Polat's film to be screened at Arthouse on 8-28 February. He also received the otto spenger award at the 2004 hamburg film festival.
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mobile strike
11 month ago
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multiple organ failure syndrome
11 month ago
(see: multiple organ dysfunction syndrome)
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11 month ago
I say this as someone who migrated from React. At first, you swear a lot while writing the view part, but as you get used to it, your hand speeds up and you can distinguish the nested objects more easily. It progresses very quickly after crossing the learning curve. I think it will increase its market share in the cross platform market after 1 year.
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swimming at night
11 month ago
The action that I tried to prevent people by saying "octopuses retreat to the shore at night". (I have said this even when I was on the boat) nobody listens to me, everybody enters. And I shout "I'll look at the clothes, don't worry" after them "They don't fly, I mean, dogs or something can't pee", my voice is a little hoarse. If someone lingers on the shore, I laugh to myself, "Isn't it clear, eh, eh?" Everyone enters, happy laughter , games, songs, something.. I look so mischievously from the shore.
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type 3
11 month ago
If I don't see it again, I won't miss a tour, I understood it.
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11 month ago
I love two things in you honey - what's up honey? - your face
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11 month ago
it is the site where a cruel dictator made blood cry.
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molecular biology and genetics
11 month ago
This is the part where I tell those who ask, "You know how they play with genes, tomatoes or something". If my teachers heard, they wouldn't graduate me.
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11 month ago
think it's atwa's new nickname. I'm not surprised he tried to infuse the libertarian concept with his own qualities, but you still eat these, it's kind of weird. soon, a "secular to the bottom", a white Turk with a white skin like cotton, but meanwhile, as a libertarian, he finds and copies rape news from England to protect our Sunni citizens, whose mouths are watering as he always does, then you wake up.
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11 month ago
A brand of ayran, about which jokes are made the moment it enters the environment. If I don't do it, someone else does!
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1 year ago
I am also glad that I am not the only one who finds the second season finale of the detective series, which I watch with pleasure, meaningless.
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beta alanine
1 year ago
The non-essential amino acid has become a new favorite among the supplement and sports nutrition industry and the powerlifting community. Its main benefit is to increase the concentration of carnosine in the muscles, which helps to reduce the destructive effects of lactic acid. Surprisingly, when used regularly in combination with heirloom creatine monohydrate, it can have a positive effect on post-workout muscle fatigue.
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1 year ago
The month of May is not only a blessing, but it is also the only remedy for my pollen allergy, which is a nuisance for me in July. Praise be to the Lord of Nasal Sprays!
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white bear
1 year ago
As a metaphor, it is quite powerful in its implications. Everyone is observing what is happening in the world, yet no one is speaking up; this speaks to the strength that can be found in the silence of the people. He has effectively conveyed the idea of the consequences of inaction.
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6 February 2023 Turkey, Gaziantep Earthquake
1 year ago
It was terrible. Three shakes in a row was too much to bear. I heard the building crack and I ran to my mother in a panic. When she suddenly got up, her blood pressure dropped and she collapsed on me in the doorway. I was both swaying and trying to open my mother's jaw and stick out her tongue. Despite all of this, I thought I wouldn't be afraid. I hope no one has to experience this again. I am in Mersin now, and I thank those who have offered to help and sent messages. I am in the hospital and they have done tests to check my mother's heart and blood pressure. We are now waiting for the results and the serum. I hope everyone gets well soon and that no one is harmed. I don't know what else to say. Is there anyone who can help?
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1 year ago
In 1997, Erbakan was downloaded with the process of 28 February. In Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto was dismissed, exiled, and murdered. In 1998, Suharto's 30-year rule in Indonesia ended when he was forced to resign. In the same year, Abacha was found dead in his bed in Nigeria. Mubarak was overthrown in Egypt and Hasina was imprisoned in Bangladesh. He became the only leader in Malaysia to retain the Mahathir position and Rafsanjani left the presidency of Iran in 1997.
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1 year ago
It is worthy of a man who sews on a camel.
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1 year ago
I think the author has the best descriptions of Capricorn that I have ever read.
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the fundamentals of caring
1 year ago
Is there such a thing as Craig Roberts' sarcasm? We know this habit of his from the movie Submarine. It's great that the movie doesn't attempt to convey any messages, except for one: Ben Benjamin's line, "You can't fix me." Definitely.
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1 year ago
It cannot be Lagertha's nails, Yellowz.
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1 year ago
When I sign up, I will be able to replace my almost 1 TB of documentary files from, bbc earth, viasat history, da vinci learning, and discovery science tvrip with higher quality files.
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canalis caroticus
1 year ago
A hole is passing through the bundle of nerves that control the body's automatic functions, such as heart rate, with the inner carotid artery.
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luciano moggi
1 year ago
Ricardo Kaka was playing in Sao Paulo and he made a statement to Italian journalists that they should not be dealing with football players who have a bad reputation. It was similar to when Florentino Perez said that the defenders' jerseys were not selling well, referring to Pepe (Kepler Laveran Lima Ferreira) who was offered 2 million euros. However, shortly after, Real Madrid ended up spending 30 million euros on Pepe.
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1 year ago
I drink about 15 beers a day, and I'm thinking of going back to Prague just for this beer.
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1 year ago
I went to a website called and signed up. I had a lot of fun there and it reminded me of using Mirc years ago. I tried to reply to 24 people at the same time, but eventually stopped. I realized that the salt shaker I was using was a bit gay, but I figured it out early, after only 3 months.
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cloverfield paradox
1 year ago
These three movies have nothing to do with each other. They all take place in different worlds, even though the characters may be the same. It's like two different universes that have nothing to do with each other. It's like if you had a baby, but then you had sex again and the baby was different. They don't really go together.
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china post ordinary small packet plus
1 year ago
I ordered a product yesterday in 2017 and it took 377 days for it to arrive. It felt like a joke!
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liesje sadonius
1 year ago
The singer on Hooverphonic's first album was a woman. After she left, Geike Arnaert joined the band.
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beta alanine
1 year ago
Beta alanine is a special supplement that has been proven to work with creatine. To avoid any side effects, it is best to take the recommended dose of beta alanine throughout the day when you first start taking it. You don't have to take it at a specific time and it can be taken with other supplements.
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1 year ago
These are activities that seem like they are trying to promote something.
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jenny von westphalen
1 year ago
This poem is a love letter from a husband to his wife. He expresses his admiration for her beauty, intelligence, and strength, and how she has been a source of joy and comfort in his life. He also expresses his love for her and his desire to be with her forever. He ends the poem by saying that he will always love her.
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1 year ago
I have been in love with some of the girls I talk to on this chat site for a long time, but they treat me like a friend. When they share the link on Twitter, I get some really great reactions.
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china post ordinary small packet plus
1 year ago
I have been hoping for something to happen for 8 months, but nothing has come of it.
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china post ordinary small packet plus
1 year ago
The Chinese postman is bringing something that will take about 70-80 days to arrive. He is travelling by bike and if he goes 100 kilometers each day, he will travel 8,000 kilometers in 80 days, which is a reasonable amount of time.
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taare zameen par
1 year ago
Aamir Khan's movies are really amazing. I've seen 3 of his movies - 3 Idiots, Fanaa, and this one - and each one is better than the last. We don't get to see movies like this in Hollywood, so it's a real shame.
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1 year ago
The subway that most people take without a ticket is the S-Bahn. This is a public transportation system that runs on tracks and allows people to travel quickly and easily between different cities and towns.
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clair de lune
1 year ago
Behind the island of Büyükada is a beautiful spot with pine trees behind you and the sparkling blue waters of the Mother-of-Pearl Island in front of you. If you visit in May, you will be filled with awe and inspiration, and you will feel like a poet. But for those who don't believe that anything special will happen, watch this video to see what you're missing.
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ad astra per aspera
1 year ago
The phrase "through difficulties to the stars" is very important to me and it is also said a lot in the TV show Strange Angel. This show is about the strange life of Jack Parsons, a rocket engineer who was also interested in the occult, and his relationship with Aleister Crowley.
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patrice quarteron
1 year ago
I used to really like this guy when I was a kid, but then I realized he wasn't very good at fighting. Patris, you lied to me when you said you put two Turkish flags up, but it was actually just a cheap imitation. Tarık Reis was the only one who could really satisfy the matches. Silva's fighting style was really nice, but the rest was all lies.
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Anna Konchakovskaya
1 year ago
The dancer who makes you say "What a life!" when looking at his Instagram account. Don't be so shy and check out his latest moves on YouTube!
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a gentleman's dignity
1 year ago
K-dramas, which are part romantic comedy and part exploration of the friendship between four men, can break the perception that "only cows watch these Korean dramas" if given a chance.
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vodka brands
1 year ago
XOXO: Strawberry vodka is great to drink, you can easily down a bottle in half an hour, but then you'll be out like a light for 15 hours...
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1 year ago
A popular Italian proverb states, "Chi si alza, ha la legge." This translates to "He who rises, has the law." In other words, you have the right to be successful if you put in the effort.
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1 year ago
After trying numerous ineffectual task list applications, I was delighted to find one that was simple and effective. As they say, it is one of those programs that is truly fit for purpose.
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burt's bees
1 year ago
Hand Salve in the consistency of butter is a renowned brand renowned for its ability to make both hands and feet feel as soft as cotton. I recently purchased the moisturizer from the United States without prior knowledge of its effects, and I can confidently rate it a ten out of five stars.
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homo naledi
1 year ago
in 2015, homo naledi, who was found in a cave near johannesburg in south africa, excited the world of science. a new kind of people. according to paleoanthropologist prof. lee berger, it can fundamentally change theories about the origins of people.
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online educational resources
1 year ago
what is the best source to register for celta certificate online?
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things not to do to your shoes
1 year ago
the best way to keep them safe is never wear them.
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Istanbul art scene
1 year ago
louise bourgeois: 'larger than life'exhibition to kick-off on 1st september at isteklal caddesi no8. the artist is said to known as feminist artist as she believes art existed before gender.
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the best language to learn
1 year ago
german. i learnt it during my under-grad program in university it just opened up job oppurtunities in eu
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be dishonest
1 year ago
i love my mother-in-law
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1 year ago
when you fatsing you think food all day. a great remedy to relationship breakup, getting over your ex
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the most interesting flight experience
2 year ago
passenegers were asked to stay seated in the plane for 3 hours after boarding and the plane never took off, also no air conditioning system was working in the aircraft.
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best boots to shop this fall
6 year ago
gigi hadid's type of boots are also available at mango for around 50$. a cheaper and better option
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when windows went wrong
6 year ago
well, everybody knows that windows 95 was the peak for microsoft. it all went downhill from then on. what happened there bill?
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8th october- national poetry day
6 year ago
there are lots of bad poems over internet today. so here is to another terrible one
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54 year ago
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54 year ago
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54 year ago
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54 year ago
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54 year ago
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54 year ago
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things not to do to your shoes
1 year ago
the best way to keep them safe is never wear them.
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8th october- national poetry day
6 year ago
there are lots of bad poems over internet today. so here is to another terrible one
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homo naledi
1 year ago
in 2015, homo naledi, who was found in a cave near johannesburg in south africa, excited the world of science. a new kind of people. according to paleoanthropologist prof. lee berger, it can fundamentally change theories about the origins of people.
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the most interesting flight experience
2 year ago
passenegers were asked to stay seated in the plane for 3 hours after boarding and the plane never took off, also no air conditioning system was working in the aircraft.
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Istanbul art scene
1 year ago
louise bourgeois: 'larger than life'exhibition to kick-off on 1st september at isteklal caddesi no8. the artist is said to known as feminist artist as she believes art existed before gender.
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1 year ago
when you fatsing you think food all day. a great remedy to relationship breakup, getting over your ex
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when windows went wrong
6 year ago
well, everybody knows that windows 95 was the peak for microsoft. it all went downhill from then on. what happened there bill?
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online educational resources
1 year ago
what is the best source to register for celta certificate online?
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the best language to learn
1 year ago
german. i learnt it during my under-grad program in university it just opened up job oppurtunities in eu
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best boots to shop this fall
6 year ago
gigi hadid's type of boots are also available at mango for around 50$. a cheaper and better option
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be dishonest
1 year ago
i love my mother-in-law
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ivan kramskoy
1 year ago
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beta alanine
1 year ago
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the sex appeal created by the hair blowing in the wind
1 year ago
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falling off a cliff dream
1 year ago
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Richard Rapport
1 year ago
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ae tongue hai mushkil
1 year ago
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taare zameen par
1 year ago
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going to the kitchen/living room and forgetting why you went there
6 year ago
flea flicker

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Member Since 2018 05 16