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in article shogun (1 year ago)
in title
1 year ago
they added an apparatus called your predicted rating. it shows the average of the votes given by people with the same musical taste as you, to the group you want to vote, based on your previous votes before voting for an album. of course, for this, you need to have a certain voting history and that album must have received a certain amount of votes. successful concept followed.
in title
1 year ago
it is a very appropriate production to get into the nostalgia of "why don't they make tv shows like this anymore, tomatoes used to smell in our time too".

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in title
1 year ago
it is a very appropriate production to get into the nostalgia of "why don't they make tv shows like this anymore, tomatoes used to smell in our time too".
in title
1 year ago
they added an apparatus called your predicted rating. it shows the average of the votes given by people with the same musical taste as you, to the group you want to vote, based on your previous votes before voting for an album. of course, for this, you need to have a certain voting history and that album must have received a certain amount of votes. successful concept followed.
in title
sazae san
2 year ago
383 points
2 entries
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Member Since 2020 05 26