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the flower of my two eyes going to the park
2 year ago
Kemal Sunal had a big smile on his face when he said this. It was like he was so happy he could fly while driving the garbage truck. His energy was so contagious that even I was happy after hearing it. May God bless him.
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honda ferrite
2 year ago
I am going to be related to someone very closely. I have never owned a Honda car. I knew he was very skilled, but he is so well-known that he has a special title. I didn't know that. I'm not saying that he is related to me, but I can tell he is a good person.
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2 year ago
Uskudar is an old name that was not written down by anyone, but it is still used today.
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alexander wendt
2 year ago
Schatten aus der Alexander Welt ist ein Fantasy-Abenteuerfilm, der sich um einen jungen Helden namens Alexander dreht, der auf eine magische Reise geht, um seine Welt vor einer bösen Macht zu retten. Er muss sich gegen Monster und andere Gefahren behaupten, um sein Ziel zu erreichen. Es ist eine Geschichte über Mut, Tapferkeit und Freundschaft.

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Member Since 2020 02 01