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2 year ago
In the age of online dating, men often send messages that can be seen as a sign of power. These messages must be creative and artistic, and the female partner must be willing to receive them. It is also acceptable to make the messages personal. Some people may see this as harassment, while others may find it attractive. This is a form of distant relationships and high sexual desire expressed through technology. Some people may call it exhibitionism. Even though it may seem childish, there is pleasure in reading between the lines of these messages.
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2 year ago
GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) is an organization that helps companies and organizations measure and report their environmental, social, and economic impacts. They provide a framework that helps organizations understand and communicate their sustainability performance. GRI helps organizations make sure they are being responsible and transparent about their impacts on the world.

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funiculi funicula
2 year ago
270 points
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Member Since 2020 03 04