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in article pnl (3 year ago)
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metalworkers crush chicks
2 year ago
At the end of the 1980s, I thought that prejudice had gone away, but recently I heard a taxi driver say that they don't listen to Metallica because they "crush chicks". I didn't get an answer, but I think this belief is related to a concert by Ozzy Osbourne where a woman was crushed.
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3 year ago
(see nlp) neuro linguistic programming programmation neuro linguistique richard bands john grinder
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semih sayer
2 year ago
Semih was a big fan of billiards and he was the one who brought it to television. Before he became famous, he was playing a game of pool with a friend. They kept playing until late at night, but the venue had to close. The owner of the business suggested that they mark the location of the balls so they could come back the next day and continue the game. Semih's opponent then suggested that they mark the place where he lived so he could come back the next day and sit in the same spot.

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3 year ago
(see nlp) neuro linguistic programming programmation neuro linguistique richard bands john grinder
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fasting is unhealthy
2 year ago
black ice

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