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in article enigmatic google earth coordinates (1 year ago)
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zach condon
2 year ago
This video is amazing! The person in it has a great mustache, looks stylish, is very innocent and has a genuine voice. It's clear that they were meant to do this job!
in title
enigmatic google earth coordinates
1 year ago
33 ° 44'45.47''n 112 ° 37'58.68''w i always wanted to have a city-size triangle facing north, who did it ...

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in title
enigmatic google earth coordinates
1 year ago
33 ° 44'45.47''n 112 ° 37'58.68''w i always wanted to have a city-size triangle facing north, who did it ...

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glynis melvoin
328 points
2 entries
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Member Since 2020 04 14