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in article karambit (1 year ago)
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american crime story
2 year ago
The showrunners of the show announced that the third season would tell the story of the murder of Gianni Versace, which was committed by Andrew Cunanan. However, they changed their plans and decided to include the murder in the second season instead. The fourth season will focus on the Monica Lewinsky scandal. The first episode of the new season was well-received.
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kurdish pastry
2 year ago
Seeing pastries made by people in your local area.
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maid from moldova
2 year ago
It is very popular in our country to hire Brazilian and Swedish maids.
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1 year ago
they made using karambit a martial art: http://video site/watch?v=vi7tpa1eq8w (see: pekiti tirsia kali) (see: kali de leon) (see: eskrima)

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1 year ago
they made using karambit a martial art: http://video site/watch?v=vi7tpa1eq8w (see: pekiti tirsia kali) (see: kali de leon) (see: eskrima)
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islander of necdet
2 year ago
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2 year ago
georgena nagle
334 points
4 entries
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Member Since 2020 01 21